PEP stands for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis. It refers to taking antiretroviral medications after a potential exposure to HIV to reduce the risk of becoming infected. For PEP to be maximally effective, it should be started as soon as possible after the potential HIV exposure, ideally within 72 hours. The sooner it is initiated, the better it can prevent HIV infection.
PEP for HIV involves taking a combination of HIV medications, typically for 28 days. The medications work to prevent the virus from replicating and establishing infection within the body.

The key points about PEP are:
Timing: It must be started as soon as possible after exposure, ideally within 72 hours. The effectiveness of PEP decreases significantly if it's started after this time frame.
Duration: The treatment typically lasts 28 days and must be taken consistently and correctly throughout this period.
Medication: PEP involves taking antiretroviral medications that are also used to treat people who already have HIV. The specific medications can vary based on the nature of the exposure and local guidelines.
Access: It's available in hospitals, some health clinics, and sometimes through primary care providers.
Follow-up: After completing PEP, it's important to get tested for HIV initially and after several months to ensure the virus has not been contracted.
Call : 093-309-9988

PEP right for me?
PrEP is a preventive treatment for people who are at high risk of getting HIV. It involves taking a daily medication that significantly reduces the risk of infection. People who might consider taking PrEP include:
Individuals in a sexual relationship with an HIV-positive partner: This is particularly relevant if the HIV-positive partner is not on treatment or has an unknown or detectable viral load.
Sexually active gay and bisexual men: Especially those who have had anal sex without a condom or been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the past six months.
Sexually active heterosexual men and women: Particularly those who do not consistently use condoms during sex with partners known to be at risk for HIV (e.g., injecting drug users or bisexual male partners).
People who inject drugs: Especially those who share needles or other injection equipment.
Transgender individuals: Particularly those who have sex without condoms, have multiple partners, or other risk factors similar to those listed.
PEP in Chiang Mai
Hugsa Medical Clinic Chiang mai
77/7 Khorasan Rd., T.Changklan Muang Chiang Mai Thailand
(Place Near Tha Phae Gate, 2 Minute Walk)
Email :
Tel : 093-309-9988
Line : @hugsaclinic
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